Cannon Ridge Household Waste, Recycling, and Pickup Schedule

Townhome Trash and Recycling collection


Yard waste only, set out in approved bags or in 4 foot bundles


Trash and recycling only, recycling to be clean and dry


No collection

No collection

Trash and big items only


You MUST call 703-257-8252 to schedule collection of big items.




The City of Manassas provides curbside waste pickup for Cannon Ridge residents.  Please note:  What to do with trash and recycling when we have snow or bad weather?  Snow and bad weather can make setting out your trash and recycling difficult and even hazardous to your health.

Manassas Refuse and Recycling’s aim is to collect your trash and recycling in a timely manner. Their contractor will be checking the safety of road conditions all night before they postpone or cancel service.  Sometimes a storm may not be as bad as it seems and collections will follow a regular schedule.

Large glass or mirror items placed curbside present a hazard to trash collectors and residents if broken.  Glass and mirrors must be placed between two pieces of protective cardboard and taped securely.  Glass or mirror items not secured will not be collected.

Beginning in 2024, American Disposal Services no longer accepts glass for recycling.  Recycling is still available at the Public Works parking area, 8500 Public Works Drive, Manassas VA.

Yard Waste


Yard waste pickup is Mondays.  Yard waste must be bagged in yard waste paper bags.  Yard waste in plastic bags will not be picked up.  Branches must be under four (4) inches in diameter, less than four (4) feet in length, and bundled.  Loose branches and twigs will not be picked up.  Loose leaves will not be picked up.  Loose weeds will not be picked up.

Curbside Recycling


Recycling is picked up Tuesdays.  Recyclables must be in a marked recyclable cart or bin.  All items must be thoroughly rinsed or washed and dry.  Styrofoam is not recyclable.  Corrugated cardboard boxes cannot be recycled curbside.  Used or unused disposable diapers are not recyclable.  Shred is recyclable in clear plastic bags.  Food contaminated items (e.g., pizza sauce covered cardboard) are not recyclable.  Basic recyclables include aluminum cans, paperboard, plastic bottles (e.g.; water or milk), glass jars or bottles.  For more information about recycling, visit City of Manassas Refuse and Recycling Collection.

Household Trash


Household trash is picked up Tuesdays and Fridays.  Carts should be kept clean and have a securely fitting lid.  Household trash shall not be placed in recycling containers.

Bulk Items


Bulk items, such as mattresses larger than twin, can be scheduled for pick up.  Carpeting may be placed curbside for pickup only in rolls no bigger than three (3) feet high by three (3) feet in diameter, limit two (2).  Call the City of Manassas Refuse and Recycling service at 703-257-8256 to schedule a pickup.

Televisions and Monitors


Television and computer monitors may be scheduled for pick up.  Call the City of Manassas Refuse and Recycling service at 703-257-8252 to schedule a pickup.



Electronic waste (eWaste), such as smart phones, computers, laptops, fax machines, audio systems, etc., cannot be collected curbside.  The Manassas Transfer Station is open the first Saturday of the month except for winter months, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. noon.  Manassas City Transfer Station is located at 8305 Quarry Road.  Call 703-331-0800 to confirm days and times due to weather or other considerations.

Household Hazardous Waste


Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) cannot be picked up curbside.  Items such as paint, turpentine, pesticides, acid batteries, automotive chemicals, etc. shall not be disposed of as regular household trash.  Household Hazardous Waste items shall be disposed of at the Manassas Transfer Station on scheduled days and times.

Corrugated Cardboard Boxes


Corrugated cardboard boxes are accepted at the Manassas Transfer Station, but must be broken down.

Construction Or Automotive Waste


Construction or automotive waste is not picked up curbside.  Do NOT place construction debris in City trash or recycling containers.  Call 703-369-4575 for further information.  Residents may also rent the City’s courtesy truck for a fee.

Household Hazardous Waste, Electronic Waste, and Shredding Schedule.

City of Manassas Dumping Advisory.  City of Manassas Advisory.

REMEMBER:  Carts and bins may not be placed curbside before 4:00 p.m. the day before pickup and must be removed and stored in back yards no later than 9:00 p.m. the day of pickup.